Ashley’s connection with animals started as an infant when the family cat, who hated everyone else, always came running to comfort her when he heard her cry. She went on to learn about and love just about every pet imaginable, even keeping some in her classroom during her years teaching Pre-K and elementary students in North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, and Tennessee.
To channel her passion for animals, Ashley has done volunteer work with The Humane Society, worked for a few specialty pet stores, and currently volunteers for Carolina Tiger Rescue as a tour guide. Her beloved adopted tiger, Yanaba, recently passed and is greatly missed! But Cloe, her sweet, silly, and lovable mutt still brings a smile to her face and love to her life. She now assists the Walk & Wag team as the Vacation Coordinator.
Pet Care Specialties
Cats, dogs, guinea pigs, & chinchillas
Plus: Rabbits, hedgehogs, cockatiels, hamsters,
gerbils, fish, snakes, turtles, horses, & goats