
Pat is a freelance interior designer by day but a pet enthusiast at heart. Originally from Thailand, she spent a decade polishing her design skills before making the move to the US three years ago. Now, she enjoys the freedom of setting her own schedule and dedicating ample time to furry friends.

Back in Thailand, Pat had the joy of caring for a multitude of cats, with a maximum of 12 at one point – truly the highlight of her days! She even played midwife, assisting in the delivery of 14 kittens on three separate occasions. Though Pat misses her two cats back home, a solid white cat and a solid black cat, she’s found comfort and fulfillment in pet sitting here in the US.

When she’s not working on design projects or hanging out with pets, you can find Pat in the kitchen cooking up delicious Southeast Asian dishes or baking. Living in Chapel Hill, she has also become a huge fan of UNC basketball, cheering on the Tar Heels with her husband at home games and on TV. Go Heels!

Pet Care Specialties

Dogs & cats
Plus: Fish, turtles, birds, & hamsters


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