How do you choose a puppy? What are the best practices for your pet’s dental health? Where can you find a great dog cookie recipe?

Find the answers to these and many more pet care questions, right here. Our ongoing blogs, videos, guidebooks and links will help you understand and care for your pet.

Chris's Blog

Fido, (Don’t) Come! Week 3

Week 3: Final Recall In this step, you will need the help of another person. This should be done in a safe area, and the dog should be on a long line of about 10-15 feet. The purpose of the long line is that if Fido starts to wander, it is… Read More +

Chris's Blog

Fido, (Don’t) Come! Week 2

Week 2: Basic Recall Once Fido has that strong connection with the new cue, then we start the basic recall. Have your treats ready to go. The type of treats you use and how you present them is important. I suggest a variety of 2-3 types, cut into pieces appropriate for… Read More +

Chris's Blog

Fido, (Don’t) Come! Week 1

Follow professional, Chris O’Connor, as she walks you through this 4-week training course. Discover why ‘come’ doesn’t mean ‘come’ to your dog any more – and how to develop an all-new cue. In just four weeks, you’ll have your dog ignoring squirrels and responding instantly to your commands. Let’s get started. Read More +